Windows Phones: Better than iOS and Android

When talking about mobile operating systems, the big boys in the mobile industry pinpoints to—more often than not—only two platforms: iOS and Android. Most especially now that they have launched their respective flagships that are on their way to hit the shelves! Just have a few more sleep and you can now see them available on trusty online mobile stores like e_cell.

While the blogosphere is busy talking about these aforementioned great platforms from Apple and Google, netizens miss out all the fun they could get from Microsoft’s Windows Phones. In fact, there are reasons why Windows Phone is ahead of the competition. Let’s have a rundown with Windows Phone’s greatness below:

#1: Windows Phone Home screen

win home screen

Apple iPhone’s home screen is somewhat limiting, but the design is intentional so as to maximize the battery life. With that being said, Android phones have much more edge with interactivity. You think you can never enjoy any home screen other than Android’s? Think again. Try using Android and Windows phones, and you’ll know what interactivity really means. Windows phones have live tiles that help you on selecting the app without having the need to swipe and tap several times. You can organize the tiles easily, move, remove, or resize it depending on your liking.

#2: Microsoft Office

win office

No surprise at all. Since Windows Phones are made by Microsoft, it’ll then be pushing its mobile Office efforts on these handsets. Although you can already get Office files on your Android and iOS devices, Windows Phones offer a better experience on viewing or editing these files.After all, you’re going to need third party apps for you to view Office files on your iOS or Android smartphone. But with Windows Phone, you can start viewing or editing your files right off the bat!

#3: Windows Storage

skydriveTo add space on your mobile phone, we expand its storage capacity by using microSD cards if there are available slots. Apple’s iPhone has no microSD slot, but it can rely to the iCloud. Android phones can also trust services like Google Drive and Dropbox; what about Windows Phones? They call their syncing and storage solution: the SkyDrive—giving you instant access to all your documents in no time.

#4: Social Networking

social networkDo you have countless social networking accounts maintaining? Then I feel all the troubles you get on switching apps so as to check the update on the other. Good thing is that the Windows Phone People app pulls all the updates and notifications from various social networking sites together so you could keep updated across all your accounts on what your friends and family are up to.

#5: Battery Saver

battery saverMost mobile platforms are only concerned about giving you the best features they can offer. But, more often than not, they just render your battery’s phone all juiced out. It then gives you the need to buy replacement batteries. Now, Windows Phone offers a Battery Saver that activates automatically when your phone’s battery life drops low. With other phones, you’ll have to download apps so as to prolong your phone’s battery life. Good thing, Windows Phones are always ready. You can even activate the Battery Saver manually if you like.

With all these features on Windows Phones, aren’t they the ones that deserve the limelight than that of iOS and Android?

1 thought on “Windows Phones: Better than iOS and Android

  1. I just returned a galaxy s4 after using it only 4 days. Terrible battery life, laggy OS, and gimmicks instead of functionality. Much happier with my Lumia 925 🙂

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